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What To Eat In Taipei, Taiwan? 來台北吃什麼?台北小吃名產必吃清單

  What To Eat In Taipei, Taiwan? 來台北吃什麼?台北小吃名產必吃清單 What to eat in Taipei ( 台北 )? Taiwan ( 台灣 ) has so many traditional cuisines you must try and Taipei is the city that every traveler will never miss. There are some classic and local dishes exclusively located in Taipei. Here below is the list of must eat foods in Taipei City ( 台北市 ) and New Taipei City ( 新北市 ).   Taipei 台北 1. Niu Rou Mian (Niú Ròu Miàn) 牛肉麵 New Row Mian / Beef Noodle Soup Niu rou mian (牛肉麵/牛肉面) is one of the must-try cuisines in Taiwan. There are three main types of niu rou mian: soy-braised (hong shao, 紅燒/红烧), clear-stewed (qing dun, 清燉/清炖), and tomato-flavored (fan qie, 番茄). If it is not mentioned specifically on the menu, usually it means soy-braised beef noodle soup. (Learn More: History of Niu Rou Mian in Taiwan) 2.  Dou Jiang Dian (Dòu Jiāng Diàn) 豆漿店 Traditional Breakfast Shop Dou jiang dian (豆漿店/豆浆店) is traditional breakfast shops, which will definitely sell dou jiang (豆漿/豆浆, soymilk), ...

Jian Jiao (煎餃/煎饺) Fried Dumpling

Jian Jiao (煎餃/煎饺) Fried Dumpling
Jian Jiao (煎餃/煎饺) Fried Dumpling


Jian jiao (煎餃/煎饺) (pinyin with tones: jiān jiǎo), fried dumpling, is part of dumplings family. Sharing the same appearance of shui jiao (水餃, dumpling), jian jiao is cooked in a pan and fried with a little bit oil and some water, so it has a golden and crispy skin which differentiates it from shui jiao. It is easy to find jian jiao in breakfast shops diners, and restaurants, or you can buy frozen dumplings in markets and cook them at home by yourself.


Jian Jiao (煎餃) VS. Guo Tie (鍋貼)

Also a member of dumplings family, guo tie (鍋貼, potsticker) has a golden and crispy skin as well. The differences between guo tie and jian jiao are the shape and the cooking method. Jian jiao looks like a gold ingot, just as shui jiao does, and it is cooked before frying. On the other hand, guo tie looks like a long rectangle, and it is fried without cooking first; besides, it uses flour water when frying so the skin is crispier than jian jiao.


「吃煎餃可以不加任何醬,但一定要加顆荷包蛋!」——Mosa 自己說



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