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What To Eat In Taipei, Taiwan? 來台北吃什麼?台北小吃名產必吃清單

  What To Eat In Taipei, Taiwan? 來台北吃什麼?台北小吃名產必吃清單 What to eat in Taipei ( 台北 )? Taiwan ( 台灣 ) has so many traditional cuisines you must try and Taipei is the city that every traveler will never miss. There are some classic and local dishes exclusively located in Taipei. Here below is the list of must eat foods in Taipei City ( 台北市 ) and New Taipei City ( 新北市 ).   Taipei 台北 1. Niu Rou Mian (Niú Ròu Miàn) 牛肉麵 New Row Mian / Beef Noodle Soup Niu rou mian (牛肉麵/牛肉面) is one of the must-try cuisines in Taiwan. There are three main types of niu rou mian: soy-braised (hong shao, 紅燒/红烧), clear-stewed (qing dun, 清燉/清炖), and tomato-flavored (fan qie, 番茄). If it is not mentioned specifically on the menu, usually it means soy-braised beef noodle soup. (Learn More: History of Niu Rou Mian in Taiwan) 2.  Dou Jiang Dian (Dòu Jiāng Diàn) 豆漿店 Traditional Breakfast Shop Dou jiang dian (豆漿店/豆浆店) is traditional breakfast shops, which will definitely sell dou jiang (豆漿/豆浆, soymilk), ...

Nuo Mi Chang (糯米腸/糯米肠) Glutinous Rice Sausage


Nuo mi chang (糯米腸/糯米肠) (pinyin with tones: nuò mǐ cháng) is a popular street food you can see in traditional markets, night markets, on the streets, or in the corner of the park near the residential areas. Nuo mi chang is made of pork intestine with seasoned glutinous rice stuffing. Some contains whole peanut kernels which add a savor to nuo mi chang.


Stand that sells nuò mǐ cháng (糯米腸) and xiāng cháng (香腸)

Ways To Enjoy Nuo Mi Chang

The basic way to enjoy nuo mi chang is to slice it into 1~2 cm thick and dip it in thick soy sauce (or their special sauce). The stands that sell nuo mi chang or called da chang jian (大腸煎/大肠煎) (pinyin with tones: dà cháng jiān) usually serve xiang chang (香腸, sausage) as well. Another common way to eat with xiang chang is to cut nuo mi chang from top to end without cutting off and put xiang chang along with some pickles and sliced garlic inside. This snack has a name called da chang bao xiao chang (大腸包小腸), where da chang (大腸) means nuo mi chang and xiao chang (小腸) is xiang chang. Nuo mi chang is also a favorite food item in yan su ji (鹽酥雞, Taiwanese popcorn chicken) stands and tan kao (炭烤, BBQ) stalls. They usually serve nuo mi chang with a skewer or cut in pieces.


「糯米腸不論是用炸的、炭烤的,或是直接切片沾醬油都很好吃,但在大腸包小腸中搭配香腸一起吃最是經典。」——Mosa 說



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