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Showing posts from October, 2020


What To Eat In Taipei, Taiwan? 來台北吃什麼?台北小吃名產必吃清單

  What To Eat In Taipei, Taiwan? 來台北吃什麼?台北小吃名產必吃清單 What to eat in Taipei ( 台北 )? Taiwan ( 台灣 ) has so many traditional cuisines you must try and Taipei is the city that every traveler will never miss. There are some classic and local dishes exclusively located in Taipei. Here below is the list of must eat foods in Taipei City ( 台北市 ) and New Taipei City ( 新北市 ).   Taipei 台北 1. Niu Rou Mian (Niú Ròu Miàn) 牛肉麵 New Row Mian / Beef Noodle Soup Niu rou mian (牛肉麵/牛肉面) is one of the must-try cuisines in Taiwan. There are three main types of niu rou mian: soy-braised (hong shao, 紅燒/红烧), clear-stewed (qing dun, 清燉/清炖), and tomato-flavored (fan qie, 番茄). If it is not mentioned specifically on the menu, usually it means soy-braised beef noodle soup. (Learn More: History of Niu Rou Mian in Taiwan) 2.  Dou Jiang Dian (Dòu Jiāng Diàn) 豆漿店 Traditional Breakfast Shop Dou jiang dian (豆漿店/豆浆店) is traditional breakfast shops, which will definitely sell dou jiang (豆漿/豆浆, soymilk), ...

Jiu Cai He (韭菜盒) Pan-Fried Leek Pocket/Pie

Jin Zhen Pai Gu Tang (金針排骨湯/金针排骨汤) Lily Flower With Pork Ribs Soup

Peh Tshai Loo (白菜滷/白菜卤) Stewed Chinese Cabbage

Mi Fen Tang (米粉湯/米粉汤) Rice Noodle Soup

Si Shen Tang (四神湯/四神汤) Four Herbs Soup

Cong Zhua Bing (蔥抓餅/葱抓饼) Scallion Pancake

Lian Ou Pai Gu Tang (蓮藕排骨湯/莲藕排骨汤) Lotus Root With Pork Ribs Soup

Sha Qi Ma (沙琪瑪/沙琪玛) Soft Flour Cake

Shan Yao Pai Gu Tang (山藥排骨湯/山药排骨汤) Yam With Pork Ribs Soup

O A Tsian (蚵仔煎) Oyster Omelette

Mi Gao (米糕) Rice Pudding / Rice Cake

Xiang Gu Ji Tang (香菇雞湯/香菇鸡汤) Chicken Soup With Shiitake Mushroom

Guo Shao Yi Mian (鍋燒意麵/锅烧意面) Nabeyaki Egg Noodle Soup / Pot Burn Noodle Soup

Run Bing Juan (潤餅卷/润饼卷) Steamed Spring Roll / Taiwanese Burrito

Xiao Long Tang Bao (小籠湯包/小笼汤包) Soup Dumpling

Zheng Jiao (蒸餃/蒸饺) Steamed Dumpling

You Fan (油飯/油饭) Steamed Sticky Rice

Dan Bing (蛋餅/蛋饼) Egg Wrap / Taiwanese Egg Crepe / Breakfast Burrito

Ma You Ji (麻油雞/麻油鸡) Sesame Oil Chicken Soup

Zha Cai Rou Si Mian (榨菜肉絲麵/榨菜肉丝面) Pickled Mustard Greens And Pork Noodle Soup

Tua Mi Kinn (大麵羹/大面羹) Alkaline Noodle Thick Soup

Zui Bian Rou (嘴邊肉/嘴边肉) Pork Jowl

Niu Rou Tang (牛肉湯/牛肉汤) Beef Soup

Che Lun Bing (車輪餅/车轮饼) Wheel Pie

Xia Ren Bah Uan (蝦仁肉圓/虾仁肉圆) Shrimp Meatball Mochi